- #Wow warlock glyphs change pets Patch
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- #Wow warlock glyphs change pets free
Honestly mages aren't the funniest class to lvl (that would be druid maybe) but when you start reach the top lvls, mages will be one of the BEST classes to play! The fact that there are 3 different talents trees to dps with, being all of them diferent from each other, will make you never get bored from dpsing.
#Wow warlock glyphs change pets Patch
So yeah.not to be off topic but absolutely, totally loving the new patch :DĮdit: It's amazing the kind of typos you don't see until a month later.Ĭomment by 696757I was one of the first players in World of Warcraft and since day 1 (actually 2 couse the first day I was a little like.how the hell do we play this?) i've been a mage.
#Wow warlock glyphs change pets free
The new Holy Power system means my ret pally never has to spend mana to self heal, and my warlock loves both never running out of soul shards and the free bag slot. I was unhappy about the loss of Volley before the patch went live, but now I hardly notice it's missing with all the other new features (trap launcher and pet move command makes guarding the flag from the roof in WSG a synch!) The eclipse mechanic for druids isn't something I'm used to yet, but a 20% damage bonus to half of my spells isn't something I'm ever going to complain about. So.Mages are even more OP than they were before, but honestly, so is everything else. I've played probably 3 months of play time between all my toons, no less than a week on each one, and I have yet to use a single potion (health or mana) since the patch, opposed to about one per hour prior to the patch. Since the new patch, this is typically 4 or 5 of my level or 2 elites, again on all my toons, regardless of class. In all greens, I have never had trouble taking down 2-3 mobs of my level (after level 10 or so) or a single elite my level, on any of my toons, regardless of class. That said, I'm actually not trying to brag, because I have 10 toons, one of each class. It now takes an elite with at least 7k health to cost me 50% mana.
#Wow warlock glyphs change pets full
Now I can do that with 90% mana and full health. Now in 4.0.1, my level 50 Arcane Mage is ungodly! (I only have one mage.)Ĭasting constantly in 3.3.5 I could take down elites with 4k HP and still end the battle with 50% mana and full health. =/Ĭomment by 493928Well.back in 3.3.5 my level 47 Arcane Mage was a blast. Nonetheless, they still can't seem to nail frost's viability in raiding. With the near-absence of design flaws, their goals going forward are to give mages more cool stuff that will make them feel ever more powerful, and ever more like true masters over the magics of the Twisting Nether. And the combination of fire and frostfire specializations have made for many interesting raiding opportunities.īlizzard has said it themselves: Mages sit in an extremely comfortable position. Frost still reigns supreme among the best players in the PvP community, demonstrated daily in the PvP video-editing scene. Arcane went from a previously piddly utility tree pre-3.0 (save for T5 content) to a formidable damage-dealing behemoth, with some excellent capability in PvP. Wrath of the Lich King has been a golden age, however. With the combination of hidden nerfs to our own damage and the design flaws of other classes, T5 content saw mages begin to slip behind the mathematically superior DPS of warlocks, rogues, and even hunters. However, on the raiding end, our damage couldn't match the glory days of Classic. Resilience and Stamina turned us into top-tier contenders in the Arena. Fire became a viable and challenging tree to PvP with. The days of elemental spell-flinging were over: We could control our victims, lock them into the frozen prison of their eventual demise. In raids, mages topped damage meters, usually using some variation on Frost due to the insane amounts of fire-resistant mobs in Classic content (Molten Core anyone?).īurning Crusade and patch 2.0 saw some changes to the mage paradigm: Frost gave us the survivability we needed to truly stand out in the continually warrior- and rogue-dominated PvP scene.

The best mages made incredible use of elemental specializations, dual-wielding frost and fire spells in a very brute-force manner that can still be sometimes seen in elemental specs today. Been PvPing as Frost since then, one of the highest skill-capped specs in the game (Have you ever seen a great frost mage dominate as many as four people at once? Glorious.).ĭuring Classic, we were incredibly powerful yet incredibly frail cannons of glass that could one- or two-shot just about anyone using PoM-Pyro specs. Comment by nERVEcenterMage since Burning Crusade.